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Posted by goombah (VIP) Aug 19 2006 10:04AM

What has happened to our game. Tourney Schedule is almost non existant. The few tourneys we have only 3-4-5 players. Interest seems to be gone.

Better Today
Posted by PEGASUS (moderator) Aug 19 2006 5:45PM

We hear you goombah, and have been wondering the same thing although today was much better. There are 9 gin tourneys scheduled today, and the ones that have been completed had six and above players...two of them had ten. Still four tourneys to go at this posting. We always figure on less tourneys in the summer as td's and players alike have kids home from school, vacations etc etc. We feel sure they will pick up soon. Today is a good start. :) Thanks for your post and your dedication to the site!

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